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Your search query : Sensors
27 results found

FRADET Laetitia

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Advances in Radar Remote Sensing Processing and Applications

We are pleased to announce the opus of the Special Issue is now coming: "Artificial Intelligence-Based Target Recognition and Remote Sensing Data Processing"   https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/00FZ07WE66 Deadline: 20 March 2025   #…

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Theme 1

3D interaction and tangible interfaces Permanent staff Frédéric Devillers Thierry Duval Cédric Fleury Charlotte Hoareau Sébastien Kubicki Guillaume Moreau Alexis Nédélec Étienne Peillard Scientific objectives Propose solutions for smooth transitio…

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Meetings & Seminars

10/10/2024, Séminaire Barbara Dumas-Feris, "Optical-Hybrid Amplifiers for Multiband-Optical Networks" 12/07/2024, Réunion d'équipe & Séminaire 12/07/2024, Séminaire Georges GAILLARD, "Evolution de l’optique dans les futures générations d’OLT pour…

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Scientific seminars

   20/06/2024 Speaker : Hadi Khalilia, Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1ZAZctcAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao  Title :  A Crowdsourcing Approach for Creating Diversity-Aware Multilingual Lexicons Abstract : Languages describe the world in…

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Current projects   Projects we coordinate: MAMUT Project - ANR (2023 - 2027) MAMUT projects (Machine learning And Matheuristics algorithms for Urban Transportation) aims to set up an open and open-source platform for solving recurring, dynamic vehi…

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PhD programs

Matthieu Delahaye (2023-) "Explainable and unbiased artificial intelligence: towards an understanding and representation of urban security phenomena" Supervisors: Philippe Lenca, Lina Fahed & Florent Castagnino Recently, the deployment of AI models,…

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Past Projects

SAD/APRE 2020 (COLABNBOOK) Period : 2021-2023 The project is financed by the Brittany Region (Région Bretagne) via "Stratégie d’Attractivité Durable (SAD)" program, aimed at the integration of researchers (associate professors) newly arrived in Britt…

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Olivier Augereau is an associate professor in computer science, doing research in a multidisciplinary team that focuses on interactions between humans and systems. He is director of CERV (European Center of Virtual Reality, a research platform includ…

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RIOUAL Stéphane

Stéphane Rioual obtained his PhD in 1997 at the University of Western Brittany, France. Since 1998, he is assistant professor at the department of physics in this university. His research activities focus on the elaboration and characterisation of ma…

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TALBOT Philippe

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Eric Rius is Professor at the University of Brest. He is the vice head of the Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285.  His research conducted at the Lab-STICC, concerns the design of microwave passives devices for centimetric and millimetric wave applications. Duri…

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POTELON Benjamin

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Ali Khenchaf received the Ph.D. degree at the University of Nantes, France in 1992, on the subject ''Contribution of high resolution methods to the analysis of the parameters of obstacles illuminated by an electromagnetic wave''. Then, Mr. Khenchaf w…

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GALLEE François

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Presentation of the laboratory

The Lab-STICC, with it affiliation to the INS2I institute of the CNRS, is a research unit historically recognized in Brittany and in France in the field of ICTS. It has a proven capacity to cover a broad scientific spectrum around digital sciences, a…

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The department's themes range from the development of functional materials to the design and modeling of microwave devices. Its central topic is the modeling, design and integration of physical layers, components and functions for communication and d…

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