Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide



The synergy between artificial intelligence and robotics allows the deployment of robots with increased autonomy and efficiency. Contemporary applications require that algorithms are embedded and operate in real time while using partial sensory data of reduced quality. At the same time, complementary sensors and actuators are brought by ambient computing, smart spaces and connected objects. In this context, we study the way by which ambient devices and robots can build increasingly complex skills based on active learning, to allow continuous, incremental and lifelong learning of robots in open and connected environments and in interaction with humans. Using robots alongside ambient intelligence for assisting humans in their home activities and by extension, the tasks of an operator within a workspace, constitutes the major societal challenge that we seek to address with our research.

The typology of the team associates members affiliated to one of the following three establissements; IMT Atlantique Bretagne/Pays de la Loire, UBS, ENIB

Scientific Positioning

The research activities of the team span the main following fields according to the IEEE (https://www.ieee.org/content/dam/ieee-org/ieee/web/org/pubs/taxonomy_v101.pdf) taxonomy :

  • Robotics and automation -> Robots -> Cognitive Robotics, Robot Learning
  • Communications technology -> Information technology -> Information and communication technology -> Ambient assisted living
  • Systems, man, and cybernetics -> User interfaces -> Human-robot interaction