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The CODES research team designs and develops channel and source coding solutions for emerging digital communication and storage systems. The primary challenge and driver at the heart of our research work is to propose codes and algorithms operating close to the fundamental theoretical limits in error-correction and source coding and simultaneously adressing the need of practical applications either in terms of systems specifications (e.g. short packets, distributed network architectures, uncoordinated communications and network access, etc) or hardware constraints (energy consumption, ultra-high-rate transmission, non-faulty computations, etc).

The research investigations are at the crossroads of signal processing, discrete mathematics, information theory, circuits and systems, and more recently machine learning.

Example of applications include next-generation wireless networks (5G and beyond) and access as well as long-haul fiber-optical networks, but also emerging technologies and applications such as DNA storage systems or free-space space-earth satellite communications.

Examples of recent research topics

  • Towards Tb/s turbo-decoding (H2020 project EPIC)
  • Non-binary LDPC code design (Lab-STICC project home)
  • Non-binary modulation and coding for sensors networks and IoT (ANR project QCSP)
  • Coding for DNA storage (CominLabs project dnarXiv)
  • Coding for fault-tolerant systems (ANR project EF-FECtive)
  • Distributed source coding (CominLabs project InterCom)
  • Learning on compressed data (CominLabs chair IoTAD-CEO)
  • Joint source-channel coding to improve learning and reconstruction of coded date (CominLabs projet CoLearn)
  • AI-aided code design and decoding (ANR project AI4CODE)


High-data rate channel coding, energy-efficient channel coding, non-binary coding, coded modulation, low-latency coding, coding for fiber-optical transmission, low-complexity decoding algorithms, distributed source coding, coding for DNA storage, NOMA communications

Latest announcements

Seminar of Prof. Neelakandan (IIT Goa) on Spatial Modulation and Beamforming for IRS Assisted MIMO and mmWave Communication


Prof. Neelakandan from IIT Goa will present his research on Spatial Modulation and Beamforming for IRS Assisted MIMO and mmWave Communication at 9am on November 28th 2022. Room K2-100, IMT Atlantique, Brest Campus. For online attendants, send an em…

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Special session "Full-duplex communications for 5G & Beyond and IoT applications" - ATC Conference


  As part of the UBO / IBNM chair of excellence CyberIoT on the physical layer security where the Lab-STICC and the LMBA are involved, a special session on "Full-duplex communications for 5G & Beyond and IoT applications" has been proposed at the Int…

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