Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide



  • PhD title: Building and using common ground to foster collaboration in virtual reality
  • INUIT Theme 3
  • Thesis dates: 1/10/2022 – 30/09/2025
  • Supervision: C. Fleury – M. Chollet – C. Dumas
  • Context/Funding: Chaire XRIA Pays de la Loire
  • General Goal:
    • To model collaboration process in real-time from multimodal signals in the context of a collaborative task in virtual reality
  • Scientific challenges:
    • To propose a model for evaluating the effectiveness of collaboration in a multi-users virtual environment based on a set of relevant indicators from multimodal data collection
    • To implement of a platform enabling (1) multimodal data collection, (2) computation, and (3) interpretation of collaboration metrics to report on the state of collaboration during the activity
      To test and evaluate interventions in the virtual environment to foster a return to an effective level of collaboration if a fall in the level of collaboration is detected
  • Keywords: Collaboration, Virtual Reality, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Collaboration cues, Multimodal signals
  • Contributions:
    • State of the art on relevant indicators to report on the collaboration process and its dimensions, based on quantitative data collected in real time
    • First version of the platform gathering multimodal data, computing a first set of relevant indicators of the collaboration process based on audio and visual metrics
  • Perspective
    • TBC