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Your search query : Mixed Reality
13 results found


Lucas BRAND PhD title: Remote collaboration in hybrid spaces combining virtual environments and tangible user interfaces for isolated situations INUIT Themes 1–3 Thesis dates: 1/11/2023 – 31/10/2026 Supervision: R. Querrec – S. Kubicki – C. Hoareau …

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PhD Olivier ROUPIN

Olivier ROUPIN PhD title: Geometric change detection in 3D models, model update and application to mixedreality experiences Online access to the PhD thesis Thesis dates: 05/2020 – 09/2023 Supervision: G. Moreau – J.-M. Normand – M. Krivokuća Con…

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Pierre MAHIEUX PhD title: Tangible interactions to navigate through space and time in Virtual Environments Online access to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 11/2018 – 07/2022 Supervision : R. Querrec – S. Kubicki – S. Laubé Conte…

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PhD Jean-Michel FAZZARI

Jean-Michel FAZZARI PhD title: Model for recognizing actions from interactions with tangible devices and mixedreality Online acess to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 11/2018 – 09/2022 Supervision: R. Querrec – S. Kubicki Conte…

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Nicolas DELCOMBEL PhD title: Virtual Reality for Cyber Security to enhance intrusion detection, investigation and decision Online access to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 10/2020 – 09/2023 Supervision: T. Duval – M.-O. Pahl Con…

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Theme 3

System-mediated human-human collaboration Permanent staff Mathias Bollaert Gilles Coppin Thierry Duval Cédric Fleury Guillaume Moreau Scientific objectives Study human-human collaboration situations that integrate both co-located and remote users …

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Theme 1

3D interaction and tangible interfaces Permanent staff Frédéric Devillers Thierry Duval Cédric Fleury Charlotte Hoareau Sébastien Kubicki Guillaume Moreau Alexis Nédélec Étienne Peillard Ronan Querrec Scientific objectives Propose solutions for sm…

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PhD programs

Matthieu Delahaye (2023-) "Explainable and unbiased artificial intelligence: towards an understanding and representation of urban security phenomena" Supervisors: Philippe Lenca, Lina Fahed & Florent Castagnino Recently, the deployment of AI models,…

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KUBICKI Sébastien

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GUERIN Clément

Clément Guerin is an assistant professor at the Université Bretagne Sud (Lorient, France). He received his Ph.D. degree in psychology and cognitive ergonomics from the Université Rennes 2 in 2012. He conducted his doctoral research at the IRCCyN Lab…

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DUVAL Thierry

Full professor of computer science at IMT Atlantique Head of the Computer Science department of IMT Atlantique Leader of the INUIT team of Lab-STICC Scientific leader of the ATOL lab Personnal website

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