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Your search query : Embedded Security
19 results found

Seminaire Lab-STICC - Axe Drone- Kalinka Branco le 14/02 à 10h Amphi F (UBO)

Kalinka Branco, professeure brésilienne à l'université de Sao Paulo propose de présenter ses activités de recherche dans le cadre d'un séminaire Lab-STICC-Axe drone. Titre: Safe and Security: Challenges and Opportunities Date et Lieu: Mercredi 14 f…

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PENSEC William

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GAUDIN Nicolas

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The laboratory is developing a very strong expertise in cybersecurity. It has a wide range of skills related to cybersecurity issues in the fields of software and hardware architectures, communications and networks, critical systems and risks related…

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Scientific animation

The scientific animation within the ARCAD team is organized around several internal and often widely open events: scientific and technical seminars (recent results, introductions, state of art presentations, tools presentations, etc.); working group…

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Current projects 2024/02 - 2028/01, ANR SCAMA: Secure-by-Design Computing Against Microarchitectural Attacks Partners : Lab-STICC (P. Cotret, V. Lapôtre, G. Gogniat, L. Lagadec), LTCI, LHC, LIRMM 2022/01 - 2024/06, ANR TrustGW: IoT gateway prot…

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Team seminars are given by ARCAD members and visiting collaborators (students and researchers), they are open to all pole and lab members. Usual format: 30 et 40 minutes presentation followed by 15 to 20 minutes for questions and discussion.     2024…

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LE ROY Frédéric

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TANGUY Philippe

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TRAN Hai Nam

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Guy Gogniat is a Professor in ECE with the Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France, where he has been since 1998. In 2005, he spent one year as an invited Researcher with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, where he worked on embedded sys…

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Former Members

Former PhD students: Dr Quentin Ducasse, 2020-2024, grant founded by Brittany Région and DGA, PhD thesis on “Sécurisation matérielle de la compilation à la volée des machines virtuelles langage”, Dr Semih Ince, 2021-2024, grant founded by Nokia, PhD…

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Presentation of the laboratory

The Lab-STICC, with it affiliation to the INS2I institute of the CNRS, is a research unit historically recognized in Brittany and in France in the field of ICTS. It has a proven capacity to cover a broad scientific spectrum around digital sciences, a…

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  Until  few years ago, embedded systems were often isolated from their environment. Due to new applications such as IoT, autonomous systems or more generally applications that require significant computing and storage resources (e.g. artificial inte…

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