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29 results

Seminaire Lab-STICC - Axe Drone- Kalinka Branco le 14/02 à 10h Amphi F (UBO)


Kalinka Branco, professeure brésilienne à l'université de Sao Paulo propose de présenter ses activités de recherche dans le cadre d'un séminaire Lab-STICC-Axe drone. Titre: Safe and Security: Challenges and Opportunities Date et Lieu: Mercredi 14 f…

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Honored SPIE Members of distinction, SPIE Fellows: C. Brosseau (SMART)


SPIE FellowsHonored SPIE Members of distinction Each year, SPIE promotes Members as new Fellows of the Society. Fellows are Members of distinction who have made significant scientific and technical contributions in the multidisciplinary fields of op…

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Invited talk by Steven Derrien on Speculative Loop Pipelining for Hardware Synthesis


Time: Friday, 10th of November from 14h to 15h30 Place: IMT Atlantique (Brest campus, room K02-100) You can also connect with Webex (which runs with any web browser), with the credentials provided at the end. Organizer: Matthieu Arzel Abstract: Custo…

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Loïc TEMDIE KOM receives an award for his poster at the 8th International Workshop on Magnonics


Loïc TEMDIE KOM (PhD student, NSF team and MO department at IMT-A) received an award for the poster he presented at the 8th International Workshop on Magnonics that took place from July 30th to August 3rd 2023 in Le Touquet (France). This conference…

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Young Scientist Award (EMTS 2023)


Adrien Merlini received a Young Scientist Award from the paper “On the Fast Direct Solution of Low-Frequency Integral Formulations via Operator Filtering” during the URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2023)

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Emerging Optimization methods: from metaheuristics to quantum approaches


A third school on quantum optimization was held in Troyes from April 17 to 21, 2023 in conjunction with the 21st EU/ME (European Metaheuristics Community) meeting. As its title indicates, the goal was to highlight emerging optimization methods in me…

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Outstanding Reviewer Award (MDPI/Remote Sensing)


Rolland Fleury was part of the 10 winners of the Outstanding Reviewer Award of the MDPI/ Remote Sensing paper. This Outstanding Reviewer Award is given annually to recognize reviewers who generously contribute their time to reviewing papers and displ…

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Webinar by Yehya Nasser @Infineon Technologies: High-Level Power Estimation Method for Power and Security Assessments for Faster Time-to-Market


Yehya Nasser (2AI) has been invited by Infineon Technologies on March 28 to give a talk on “High-Level Power Estimation Method for Power and Security Assessments for Faster Time-to-Market” Abstract: In this talk, the focus will be on the intersection…

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Machine learning on massive bathymetric data for the optimization of hydrographic survey systems


Julian Le Deunf brilliantly defended his thesis "Machine learning on massive bathymetric data for the optimization of hydrographic survey systems" on Monday December 12, 2022. This work was carried out within the LUSSI department of IMT Atlantique an…

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PhD Defense Mohadese Basirati


We are pleased to announce the defense of Mohadese Basirati's thesis, which will take place on 02/12/2022 at 10:00 am at IMT Atlantique, Campus de Brest, Petit Amphi DF. The thesis is entitled "Zoning management in marine spatial planning: agent-base…

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Seminar of Prof. Neelakandan (IIT Goa) on Spatial Modulation and Beamforming for IRS Assisted MIMO and mmWave Communication


Prof. Neelakandan from IIT Goa will present his research on Spatial Modulation and Beamforming for IRS Assisted MIMO and mmWave Communication at 9am on November 28th 2022. Room K2-100, IMT Atlantique, Brest Campus. For online attendants, send an em…

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Best Paper Award (IEEE APWC-ICEAA 2022)


The paper “On the Fast Direct Solution of a Preconditioned Electromagnetic Integral Equation”   from D. Consoli, C. Henry, A. Dély, L. Rahmouni, J.E.O. Guzman, S.B. Adrian, A. Merlini, and F.P. Andriulli received a Best Paper Award during the 25th ed…

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