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Your search query : algorithm architecture interaction
10 results found

Two student teams win top prizes in the 4th RISC-V National Competition!

Two of the three IMT Atlantique teams entered won the top two prizes in the 4th RISC-V national competition, which this year focused on "accelerating AI applications on a RISC-V processor". This prestigious competition, organised by Thales, the GDR S…

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PhD programs

Matthieu Delahaye (2023-) "Explainable and unbiased artificial intelligence: towards an understanding and representation of urban security phenomena" Supervisors: Philippe Lenca, Lina Fahed & Florent Castagnino Recently, the deployment of AI models,…

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The laboratory is developing a very strong expertise in cybersecurity. It has a wide range of skills related to cybersecurity issues in the fields of software and hardware architectures, communications and networks, critical systems and risks related…

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Team seminars are given by ARCAD members and visiting collaborators (students and researchers), they are open to all pole and lab members. Usual format: 30 et 40 minutes presentation followed by 15 to 20 minutes for questions and discussion.     2024…

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Emmanuel Boutillon received the Engineering Diploma in 1990 and its Ph.D.degree in 1995, both from the Telecom Paris Tech, Paris. From 1995 to 2000, he was assistant professor in Telecom Paris Tech. In 1998, he spent a sabbatical year at the Universi…

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General presentation of the SyPH research center Preamble: The SyPH research center was created in January 2021, it is one of the two research centers resulting from the reorganization of the former MOM research center (Microwaves, Optoelectronics an…

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Keywords : communication systeme, information processing, information coding and decoding, adequation algorithme & architecture, Physical Layer security,  artificial intelligence. The pole Traitement et Transmission de l’Information, algorIthme et In…

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