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Votre requête : virtual reality
13 résultats trouvés


Émeline CREUSOT PhD title: Support users’ awareness with virtualreality and augmented reality in the factory of future INUIT Theme 3 Thesis dates: 1/01/2025 – 31/12/2027 Supervision: T. Duval – C. Fleury Context/Funding: 5G Metaverse General Goal: …

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PhD Clémence CUNIN

Clémence CUNIN PhD title: Authoring and Synchronization of the Digital Twin in Virtual and Augmented Reality for the Factory of the Future INUIT Theme 1 and 4 Thesis dates: 1/10/2024 – 30/09/2027 Supervision: T. Duval – C. Fleury Context/Funding: 50…

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Lucas BRAND PhD title: Remote collaboration in hybrid spaces combining virtual environments and tangible user interfaces for isolated situations INUIT Themes 1–3 Thesis dates: 1/11/2023 – 31/10/2026 Supervision: R. Querrec – S. Kubicki – C. Hoareau …

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Aurélien LÉCHAPPÉ PhD title: Building and using common ground to foster collaboration in virtualreality INUIT Theme 3 Thesis dates: 1/10/2022 – 30/09/2025 Supervision: C. Fleury – M. Chollet – C. Dumas Context/Funding: Chaire XRIA Pays de la Loire …

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Anne WARTELLE PhD title: VR and AR Interactions to build Knowledge for Digital Heritage INUIT theme 2 Thesis dates: 04/2022 – 03/2025 Supervision: R. Querrec – M.-M. Abiven – F. Laroche – M. Quantin Context/Funding: ANR Lab In Virtuo General Goal: …

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Thomas RINNERT PhD title: Perceiving distant collaborative activity with eXtended Reality Online access to the PhD thesis INUIT Theme 3 Thesis dates: 10/2020 – 09/2023 Supervision: T. Duval – C. Fleury – (G. Coppin) – B. Thomas – J. Walsh Context…

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Fabrice POIRIER PhD title: Multimodal Interactions for Internet of Things Online access to the PhD thesis INUIT Theme 1 Thesis dates: 12/2019 – 12/01/2022 Supervision: T. Duval – A. Foulonneau – J. Lacoche Context/Funding: CIFRE – Orange Labs Ren…

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Pierre MAHIEUX PhD title: Tangible interactions to navigate through space and time in Virtual Environments Online access to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 11/2018 – 07/2022 Supervision : R. Querrec – S. Kubicki – S. Laubé Conte…

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PhD Jean-Michel FAZZARI

Jean-Michel FAZZARI PhD title: Model for recognizing actions from interactions with tangible devices and mixed reality Online acess to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 11/2018 – 09/2022 Supervision: R. Querrec – S. Kubicki Contex…

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Nicolas DELCOMBEL PhD title: VirtualReality for Cyber Security to enhance intrusion detection, investigation and decision Online access to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 10/2020 – 09/2023 Supervision: T. Duval – M.-O. Pahl Con…

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PhD Piriziwè KOBINA

Piriziwè KOBINA PhD title: New 3D graph visualizations for exploration of relationships intra and inter communities Online acess to the PhD thesis INUIT Theme 2 Thesis dates: 12/2018 – 07/2022 Supervision: T. Duval – L. Brisson Context/Funding: 1…

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Olivier Augereau is an associate professor in computer science, doing research in a multidisciplinary team that focuses on interactions between humans and systems. He is director of CERV (European Center of VirtualReality, a research platform includ…

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LE BIGOT Nathalie

I am associate professor in cognitive psychology at the University of Western Britanny. I obtained my PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Poitiers and then I spent 2,5 years as a post-doc at the Leibniz Research Center for Working Enviro…

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