The implication of the team in different projects and consortia gives an idea of our research activities in regional, national and international level. Indicatively :
Principal projects/partnerships
Project ANR CominLabs LEASARD - Project "Enhancing Museum Inclusion for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Robot Companions"
- Project "Engaging discussion robot for mental health preservation"
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) fellowship, BIENVENÜE program of the region of Brittany, project NOETIC
- Project HIT (Handicap Innovation Territoire)
- Project ECFVisuL (Continuous and automatic evaluation of human functional capacity at home based on computer vision)
- Collaboration with CNRS IRL "CROSSING"
Current doctorate theses
- Language & vision-based mobility assistance for visually impaired people - Aela LE SOMMER
- Veggie Breizh Bot — Assistive Robot for Cooking - Wafae LASRI
- Summarization of activities of daily living using sound-based activity recognition - Amani ARIOUI
- Computer vision-based change detection and correction of the 3D digital twin of telecommunication infrastructures - Zakaria LOTFI
- RAPALLO: Robotic Action Planning with Affordances and LargeLanguage mOdels - Gaëlic BECHU
- Dialogue variants and language levels in sub-saharan Africa - Accounting for sociolectic and idiolectic parameters for the dynamic adaptation of a vocal robot to the speaker profile - Papa Séga WADE
- Anticipative Motion Planning for Robots. Application to RoboCup Soccer - Antoine DIZET
Completed doctorate theses