Our interest is in (methods and tools) to (specify and describe) (systems and software) so that (evaluation and analysis) ((increase confidence) and (ensure (safety and security))).
We use:
System modeling; because the product needs to be described
Process modeling and process improvement; because the development process is a key to safety, security and more generally confidence
We rely on:
Models federation; because many points of view need to be merged.
Free modeling; because points of views are specific and no framework (meta-model) can catch all points of view.
Formal Verification at all stages, all levels: intra-model, inter-models.
Mixing automatic and semi-automatic techniques
For more details, you can browse our publications or our team web site on https://p4s.enstb.org.
Latest announcements
Seminaire Lab-STICC - Axe Drone- Kalinka Branco le 14/02 à 10h Amphi F (UBO)
Kalinka Branco, professeure brésilienne à l'université de Sao Paulo propose de présenter ses activités de recherche dans le cadre d'un séminaire Lab-STICC-Axe drone.
Titre: Safe and Security: Challenges and Opportunities
Date et Lieu: Mercredi 14 f…
Time: Friday, 10th of November from 14h to 15h30 Place: IMT Atlantique (Brest campus, room K02-100) You can also connect with Webex (which runs with any web browser), with the credentials provided at the end. Organizer: Matthieu Arzel
Abstract: Custo…
The Lab-STICC laboratory organizes the “1st International Workshop on “Cyber-protection and cyber-defense in 5G/6G networks”.
This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2022…