PHD DEFENSES (2023 & 2024)
29/11/2024, PhD defense of M Robin DURAZ, Trustable machine learning for Intrusion Detection Systems
PhD thesis reviewers : M. Philippe Owezarski (LAAS CNRS), M Eric Totel (Télécom Sud Paris)
Jury for the thesis defense : M. Eric Totel, M. Philippe Owezarski, M. Yufei Han (INRIA Rennes), Mme Isabelle Chrisment (Télécom Nancy), Mme Sandrine Vaton (PhD director), M. David Espès (UBO, PhD co-adviser), M. Julien Francq (Naval Group, PhD co-adviser). Invité: M. Olivier Bettan (Thalès).
04/10/2024, PhD defense of M Colin TROISEMAINE, Novel Class Discovery in Tabular Data : an Application to Network Fault Diagnosis
PhD thesis reviewers : Mme Michèle Sebag (Univ. Paris Saclay), Mme Pascale Kuntz (Univ. Nantes)
Jury for the thesis defense : Mme Michèle Sebag, Mme Pascale Kuntz, Mme Catherine Lepers (Télécom Sud Paris), M. Eric Fabre (INRIA Rennes), Mme Sandrine Vaton (PhD director), M. Stéphane Gosselin (Orange Innovation, PhD co-adviser), M. Alexandre Reiffers-Masson (PhD co-adviser).
15/12/2023, PhD defense of Mrs Sanaa GHANDI, Analysis of network delay measurements: data mining methods for completion and segmentation
PhD thesis reviewers: Mr Yezekael Hayel (Université d'Avignon), Mr Jean-Louis Rougier (Télécom Paris)
Jury for the thesis defense: Mr Yezekael Hayel, Mr Jean-Louis Rougier, Mr Tijani Chahed (Télécom Sud Paris), Mr Kevin Vermeulen (LAAS CNRS), Mrs Sandrine VATON (PhD director), M. Thierry CHONAVEL (PhD co-director), Mr Alexandre Reiffers-Masson (PhD co-adviser)
22/12/2023, PhD defense of Mr Ziad TLAISS, Automated network packet traces analysis methods for fault recognition and TCP flavor identification
PhD thesis reviewers: Mr Chadi Barakat (INRIA Université Côte d'Azur), Mr André-Luc Beylot (ENSEEIHT)
Jury for the thesis defense: Mr Chadi Barakat, Mr André-Luc Beylot, Mr Mohamed Aymen Chalouf (Université Rennes 1/IUT de Lannion), Mrs Sandrine Vaton (PhD director), Mrs Isabelle Hamchaoui (Orange, PhD co-director)
Invited members: Mrs Isabel Amigo (PhD co-adviser), Mr Alexandre Ferrieux (Orange, PhD co-adviser)
- July 4th 2024 at Univ. Brest; July 7th 2023 at IMT Atlantique, Brest
- Participation of permanent and non-permanent members of the Math&Net and IRIS teams
- from september 25th to september 30th 2023 at IMT Atlantique, Brest; from june 25th to june 27th 2024 at IMT Atlantique, Brest
- Participation of researchers from IMT Atlantique, UdelaR (Uruguay) and UFRJ (Brazil)
- 17/09/2021: Local Model-Agnostic Methods, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson [XAI reading group]
- 05/10/2021: Example-Based Explanations (Imen Ben-Amor, Univ. Avignon), and Stop Explaining Black Box Machine Learning Models for High Stakes Decisions and Use Interpretable Models Instead (Antoine Caubrière, Univ. Avignon) [XAI reading group]
- 22/10/2021: Interpretability of Neural Networks, Robin DURAZ [XAI reading group]
- 15/12/2021, Andrea Moricetta (TU Wien), Explain-IT: Towards eXplainable AI for unsupervised network traffic analysis, , Conférence Invitée [XAI reading group]
- 10/03/2022, Nathan Dahlin (University of Southern California), Designing interpretable approximations to deep reinforcement learning with soft decision trees, Conférence Invitée [XAI reading group]
- 28/03/2022, Vincent Messié, A decentralized data layer for collaborative End-to-End service assurance, ICIN 2022 accepted paper
- 11/04/22, Sanaa Gandhi, Non-negative matrix factorization for network delay matrix completion, NOMS 2022 accepted paper (AnNet workshop)
- 12-13/05/22, Séminaire du département Informatique d'IMT Atlantique à Brignogan Plage
- 17/05/2022, Robin Duraz, Machine learning and visualization tools for cyberattack detection, RESSI 2022 accepted paper
- 18/05/2022, Stéphane Gosselin (Orange Innovation/Networks), Artificial Intelligence for Network Management -- a use case perspective [Machine Learning track @ IMT Atlantique]
- 23/05/2022, Minqi Wang, A MEC and UPF Compatible OLT for Time-Critical Mobile Services, ONDM 2022 Best Paper Award
- 25/02/2022, Julien Francq (Naval Group), Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning on Public ICS Datasets [Machine Learning track @ IMT Atlantique]
- 30/05/2022, Gugan Thoppe (Indian Institute of Science), Improving Sample Efficiency in Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning using Off-policy Ranking
- 31/05/2022 & 28/02/2023, Ziad Tlaiss, Troubleshooting enhancement with automated Slow-Start detection
- 09/06/2022, Lucas Drumetz, Handling stochasticity when learning dynamical systems from data