Your search query : cognitive psychology
7 results found
I am a PhD student in CognitivePsychology, working in the COgnition, Models, and Machines for Engaging Digital Interactive Applications team (COMMEDIA) at the Laboratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information de la Communication et de la Conna…
Read moreLaurent Guillet is an assistant professor at the Université Bretagne Sud. His research activities focus on human behavior in professional contexts. He obtained his PhD degree in social health psychology in 2002 from the University of Nantes. His wo…
Read moreClément Guerin is an assistant professor at the Université Bretagne Sud (Lorient, France). He received his Ph.D. degree in psychology and cognitive ergonomics from the Université Rennes 2 in 2012. He conducted his doctoral research at the IRCCyN Lab…
Read moreChristine Chauvin is a Professor at the Université Bretagne Sud (Lorient, France). She teaches courses in cognitive ergonomics, psychology and risk analysis at the Institute of Technology in Lorient. She received her Ph.D. degree in 1996 from the D…
Read moreThe HMS (Human Machine System) Department (Systèmes Humains-Machine in French) is devoted to the modeling, analysis and design of hybrid systems gathering human users (individual user or teams) and adaptive artefacts. The main focus of research of th…
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