Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide

CHAUVIN Christine

Faculty - Université de Bretagne Sud

Photo   CC
Team : FHOOX  
Position : Full professor
email : 
Address : ENSIBS - 17 bd Flandres-Dunkerque - 56100 LORIENT

Christine Chauvin is a Professor at the Université Bretagne Sud (Lorient, France).

She teaches courses in cognitive ergonomics, psychology and risk analysis at the Institute of Technology in Lorient.

She received her Ph.D. degree in 1996 from the Descartes University (Paris V) and her Habilitation in 2008 at the Université Bretagne Sud. Prof. Christine Chauvin is primarily interested in naturalistic decision making, risk management and human-machine cooperation. Her research works are mainly applied to the transportation domain (ship handling, autonomous vehicles, aviation). They aim at improving performance, efficiency and resilience of complex sociotechnical systems.
She was the President of the French Association in cognitive ergonomics ARPEGE (Association de Recherche en Psychologie Ergonomique et Ergonomie) from 2012 to 2018.
She is the Vice-President of the Université Bretagne Sud in charge of Internationalisation.