Your search query : FPGA
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Time: Friday, 10th of November from 14h to 15h30 Place: IMT Atlantique (Brest campus, room K02-100) You can also connect with Webex (which runs with any web browser), with the credentials provided at the end. Organizer: Matthieu Arzel Abstract: Custo…
Read moreYehya Nasser (2AI) has been invited by Infineon Technologies on March 28 to give a talk on “High-Level Power Estimation Method for Power and Security Assessments for Faster Time-to-Market” Abstract: In this talk, the focus will be on the intersection…
Read morePhD student at the University of Southern Brittany, working in the ARCAD team at Lab-STICC. My current research direction is to develop a IoT gateways. My current project is to build an IoT gateway based on FPGA development board.
Read moreThe laboratory is developing a very strong expertise in cybersecurity. It has a wide range of skills related to cybersecurity issues in the fields of software and hardware architectures, communications and networks, critical systems and risks related…
Read moreThe scientific animation within the ARCAD team is organized around several internal and often widely open events: scientific and technical seminars (recent results, introductions, state of art presentations, tools presentations, etc.); working group…
Read moreCurrent projects 2024/02 - 2028/01, ANR SCAMA: Secure-by-Design Computing Against Microarchitectural Attacks Partners : Lab-STICC (P. Cotret, V. Lapôtre, G. Gogniat, L. Lagadec), LTCI, LHC, LIRMM 2022/01 - 2024/06, ANR TrustGW: IoT gateway prot…
Read moreTeam seminars are given by ARCAD members and visiting collaborators (students and researchers), they are open to all pole and lab members. Usual format: 30 et 40 minutes presentation followed by 15 to 20 minutes for questions and discussion. 2024…
Read moreEmmanuel Boutillon received the Engineering Diploma in 1990 and its in 1995, both from the Telecom Paris Tech, Paris. From 1995 to 2000, he was assistant professor in Telecom Paris Tech. In 1998, he spent a sabbatical year at the Universi…
Read moreFormer PhD students: Dr William Pensec, 2021-2024, grant founded by by Brittany Région and UBS , PhD thesis on "Enhanced Processor Defence Against Physical and Software Threats by Securing DIFT Against Fault Injection Attacks" Dr Nicolas Gaudin, 202…
Read moreARCAD members develop hardware circuits, blocs, IPs, accelerators and software tools and librairies. GAUTFree academic High-Level Synthesis tool LWE crypto in HLS on FPGAC library for high-level synthesis of lattice based post-quantum cryptography (…
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