Keywords : communication systeme, information processing, information coding and decoding, adequation algorithme & architecture, Physical Layer security, artificial intelligence.
The pole Traitement et Transmission de l’Information, algorIthme et Intégration (T2I3) is positioned in two major scientific fields: the transmission and processing of information, from the definition of systems to their software and hardware integration. It designs new algorithms, proposes original architectures for the integration of these algorithms and develops tools or methodologies for the software and hardware design of complex digital systems.
The pole T2I3 is composed of 5 Teams :
- CoSyDe : Communication System Design
- CODES : Codage et Décodage de l’information .
- 2AI : Algorithm Architecture Interactions
- SI3 : Security, Intelligence et Integrity of Information
- BRAIN : Better Representations for Artificial Intelligence
First, the pole wishes to actively contribute to the development of efficient, autonomous, reconfigurable and intelligent communication systems. The two distinct fields of application selected are acoustic communications and ultra-high speed. They each have specific constraints to take into account.
The ambition of the pole is to maintain its position as an expert in underwater acoustic telecommunications by contributing to the development of submarine, autonomous and intelligent communications networks, which poses new research challenges (security of the physical layer, self-reconfigurable modems).
The pole also aims to increase its visibility and further develop its expertise in the design of ultra-high-speed communication and processing systems.
The security of communication systems is increasingly strategic. The pole is particularly well positioned to respond to this type of problem at the level of the physical layer.
Finally, a particular ambition of the pole is to also invest in new methodological tools in full development brought by AI: both from a fundamental point of view but also more application by focusing more particularly on the techniques of deep learning.