Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide

Math & Net


  • Network monitoring, performance evaluation, network management, quality of service, quality of experience anomaly detection, network security, ressource allocation
  • Bayesian inference, MCMC methods, (hidden) Markov chains, Markov decision processes, reinforcement learning, optimisation, game theory, distributed computing, stochastic approximations
  • Network virtualization, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Internet 5G

The Maths&Net team aims to design, describe, manage, secure and control various aspects of networks, in particular telecommunications networks. The team also works on other types of networks such as distributed ledgers.

In our work on telecommunication networks, the objective is to contribute to the quality of service at network level, to the quality of experience of applications, to the availability of network resources (or of resources accessible through the network) and to network security (detection of cyber attacks).

Our work is at the interface between the field of networks and distributed systems (from an application point of view), and the field of machine learning and operational research (from a theoretical point of view).

Given the abundance but also the specificity of network data, the potential offered by advanced data analysis techniques, and the flexibility introduced into network management by virtualization techniques, our objective is to make the most of data analysis to design high-performance, secure and high-availability networks.

Our work is at the interface between the field of networks and distributed systems (from an application point of view), and the field of machine learning and operational research (from a theoretical point of view).


Latest announcements

Workshop on cyber-protection and cyber-defense in 5G/6G networks


The Lab-STICC laboratory organizes the “1st International Workshop on “Cyber-protection and cyber-defense in 5G/6G networks”. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2022…

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