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RIOUAL Stéphane

Enseignant chercheur - Université de Bretagne Occidentale

Équipe : SMART  
Fonction : Maître de Conférences
Téléphone : 02 98 01 62 33
Adresse email : 
Adresse : 6. av Le Gorgeu - 29200 BREST

Stéphane Rioual obtained his PhD in 1997 at the University of Western Brittany, France. Since 1998, he is assistant professor at the department of physics in this university. His research activities focus on the elaboration and characterisation of materials. This includes their electrical characterisation from low frequency up to tens of GHz. Recently, he was participating to the development of innovative sensors operating in the UHF frequency range and dedicated to the monitoring of degradation of materials. He is authors or co-authors of 70 scientific papers in peer review journals or proceedings.