Your search query : Cognition & Perception
6 results found
Current projects Projects we coordinate: MAMUT Project - ANR (2023 - 2027) MAMUT projects (Machine learning And Matheuristics algorithms for Urban Transportation) aims to set up an open and open-source platform for solving recurring, dynamic vehi…
Read moreI am associate professor in cognitive psychology at the University of Western Britanny. I obtained my PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Poitiers and then I spent 2,5 years as a post-doc at the Leibniz Research Center for Working Enviro…
Read moreThe HMS (Human Machine System) Department (Systèmes Humains-Machine in French) is devoted to the modeling, analysis and design of hybrid systems gathering human users (individual user or teams) and adaptive artefacts. The main focus of research of th…
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