The department's themes range from the development of functional materials to the design and modeling of microwave devices. Its central topic is the modeling, design and integration of physical layers, components and functions for communication and detection systems (transmissions, sensors). The department's research activities, mainly focused on hardware electronics, complement those developed in the other poles of the Lab-STICC to study the whole communication chain (from sensor to knowledge: communicate, decide).
The organization of the department and the teams can be summarized by the figure below and underlines the continuum between the upstream phase of definition of a support structure (the material) to the development of its physical/mechanical/electrical properties in a high frequency context, to finally design the targeted functionality.

The MatRF pole pools the skills of physicists, electronic engineers and electromagneticians and is able to take into account interdisciplinary issues, particularly useful for ICT concerns in general, but also in related fields. It is composed of two teams focused on materials and nanostructures (SMART - Team Leader: Vincent Laur and NSF - Team Leader: Florian Bentivegna) and one team focused on microwave devices (DH - Team Leader: François Gallée).
Pole MatRF Leader: Gérard Tanné.