Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide

Phd Defense : Design of a mmWave Channel Sounder and Channel Model Extraction in Railway Environment


Teams : DH   PIM  

Location : IMT Atlantique

Salle : BR-B02-007A (Small amphitheater)

Student : Nicholas ATTWOOD

Keywords : Measurement, Channel Sounder, mmWave, Railway, Model

Abstract : The world of transportation is currently experiencing a revolution towards complete automation. However, this automation depends on the creation of new communication systems with high data rates and low latency. Thanks to the development of 5G, new scenarios such as vehicle-to-vehicle communication or communication between vehicles and the rest of the infrastructure have become possible. The same applies to more complex environments, such as the railway sector, where a transformation in communication systems is underway with the study of a new communication standard, FRMCS. However, to achieve such systems, a deep understanding of the behavior of the radio propagation channel is essential. To meet this need, at IMT Atlantique, a channel sounder has been developed, allowing long-term measurements for dynamic scenarios in vehicular environments. This sounder has been installed in various environments to be tested under in situ conditions before being used in a measurement campaign in the railway sector. From these measurements, large and small-scale parameters are calculated for different environments, following a scenario similar to the architecture proposed by 3GPP. Finally, these results are discussed and compared with the models provided
by the same 3GPP.

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