Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide


PhD student - Université de Bretagne Occidentale

Team : SHAKER  
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Address : UBO Site de Brest - 29200 BREST

NGADI Hamza, PhD student in computer science at the University of Western Brittany, located in Brest, working on the subject of modeling a digital twin platform for smart cities.

The proposed thesis is part of a research project on the design of a digital twin software platform dedicated to smart cities. It focuses on the modeling of a data representation environment for a city, linked to road traffic, the movement of people, environmental data such as temperature, humidity, CO2, and so on. This platform will enable users to interact with the data, modifying it both digitally and manually.

The aim is to build a tool exploiting free urban descriptions to enable the visualized synthesis of characteristics of different types of data collected in an urban space, in order to predict possible suspicious or dangerous behavior for society, or to study unreal scenarios following modifications to be made to the data collected.

The subject involves modeling the functioning of an urban city in order to reproduce it digitally in an identical way. This modeling is to be integrated into a 3D visualization tool.