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Séminaire : Modélisation du canal radio pour les communications V2V


Équipes : PIM   SI3  

Location : ENSTA Bretagne (Amphi 1) and https://zoom.us/j/5164197847?pwd=UXB6eHdvRklCcG1DOGFZdkFxUHNydz09

Intervenant : Jalel CHEBIL

Résumé :

Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication has received a lot of attention over recent years since it can improve the efficiency and safety of roads for drivers and travelers besides other numerous applications. However dynamic nature of this environment makes it difficult to come up with a suitable wireless communication channel model that can be used in the simulation of any V2V communication system. This talk presents an overview of the fundamental concepts in wireless channel modeling and highlights the special nature of the V2V communication channels and its characteristics. Then, it is followed by describing some of the recent modeling techniques used for V2V communication channel with more emphasis on the Geometry-Based Stochastic channel Models (GBSM). Finally, future research directions in this area are highlighted. 

Biographie :

Dr. Jalel Chebil received his bachelor and master degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin Madison, USA in 1987 and 1990 respectively. He completed his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Technology Malaysia in 1998. He taught in many universities in various countries such as Malaysia, Australia, Jordan and Tunisia. He is currently working in the University of Sousse, Tunisia. He has authored and co-authored many research papers in international journals and conferences. His main research interests include radio wave propagation, wireless channel modeling, antennas and signal processing. 

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