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Seminar: Active Signal Injection for self-interference Cancellation at full-duplex systems


Team : SI3  


Abstract: Full-duplex operation for wireless communications can potentially double the spectral efficiency, compared to half-duplex operation, by using the same wireless resource to transmit and receive at the cost of a large power difference between the high-power self-interference (SI) from its own transmitted signal and the low-power intended signal received from the other distant transceiver. The SI can be gradually reduced by a combination of radio- frequency (RF) and baseband cancellation stages. Each stage requires the estimation of the different distortions that the SI endures such as the SI channel and the transceiver non- linearities. In this seminar, we present two new SI-cancellation methods using active signal injection (ASI) for full-duplex MIMO-OFDM systems. The ASI approach adds an appropriate cancelling signal to each transmitted signal such that the combined signals from transmit antennas attenuate the SI at the receive antennas.

Zoom link: https://imt-atlantique.zoom.us/j/95921851611?pwd=TlFjT1Ftd2RaWThjVmFkSlJFSFhJUT09

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