Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide

SAILHAN Françoise

Faculty - IMT Atlantique

Team : MATH & NET  
Position : Full professor
email : 
Address : IMT Alantique D03-124B - BREST

Francoise Sailhan is professor at IMT-Altantique. Her research interest involves cybersecurity, network,  IoT. Prior, she was associate professor at CNAM and external collaborator of the Mimove research team at INRIA. She was a visiting researcher at SRI during summer 2012 and prior she spent one year in the University of Franche Comté and 2 years (2005-2007) in the Ericsson Ireland Research Center (EIRC) as a Marie Curie fellow; her work including the chair of the invention disclosure board of Ericsson Ireland.