Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide


Faculty - IMT Atlantique

Team : DECIDE  
Position : Professor

I am a member of the Computer Science Departement of IMT Atlantique, as well as of the research team DECIDE, belonging to the CNRS laboratory Lab-STICC. My research topics are natural language processing, text mining and grapholinguistics. I'm teaching graph theory, logic, probabilistic graphical models and computational linguistics.

Born in Athens (Greece) in 1962, I graduated from the Lycée Léonin High School (Athens) in 1979. I obtained my bachelor (DEUG A, Licence de mathématiques, Maîtrise de mathématiques pures and partly Maîtrise de mathématiques appliquées) and my master (DEA de mathématiques pures) from University of Lille I (USTL). I graduated (thèse de doctorat ès sciences mathématiques) in 1990 at the same university, in the field of Algebraic Topology, under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Tanré.

During my Ph.D. and until 1992, I worked as assistant associate (assistant associé and later ATER) at University of Lille I, giving classes in Algebra, Differential Calculus and Analysis.

After 1990 I became active in the field of digital typography and internationalization. In 1993/94 I gave lectures (chargé d'enseignement) at the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO) in Paris as an external member of the CERTAL (Centre d'études et de recherches sur le traitement automatique des langues). In 1994 my wife and I started the company Atelier Fluxus Virus, specialized in the development of digital typography tools and systems. In 2003 I wrote a 1,000+ page book on digital typography and internationalization (Fontes et codages) for O'Reilly France, which was subsequently translated into English and published by O'Reilly US (Fonts & Encodings, From Advanced Typography to Unicode and everything in between, 2007).

In 2001 I entered IMT Atlantique (at that time: ENST Bretagne) as a full Professor (directeur d'études) at the Computer Science Departement. I continued research on digital typography and electronic documents, progressively orienting myself to the area of natural language processing and text mining.

In 2010 I became a full member of the DECIDE research group (Data Mining and Decision Theory) of the Lab-STICC CNRS laboratory.

Ever since 2011 I am in charge of the DS (Data Science) Master of Science of IMT Atlantique. Some of my classes are specific to this master (natural language processing, statistics) and others (probabilistic graphical models, graph theory, logic) are open also to other students of IMT Atlantique.

In 2020 I obtained my “Habilitation à diriger des recherches” from Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Here are my identifiers: ORCID (0000-0003-1443-6115), HAL, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, dblp, Mathematics Genealogy Project, theses.fr.

My Erdős Number is 5 (Erdős—Erné—Bandelt—Barthélémy—Lenca—me).

In 2018 I organized an international conference on grapholinguistics: /gʁafematik/, all talks have been recorded and can be viewed here. The links to the 2020 and 2022 iterations of the conference are here and here.