Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide

BOSSER Anne-Gwenn

Faculty - ENIB

Position : Associate professor
email : 

I am currently co-leading the COMMEDIA team with Nathalie Le Bigot.

I am interested in Computational Narratives, their applications to games (sometimes but not always of the serious variety), and their role in persuasive phenomena.

I have also an interest in believable agents (populating games and storytelling experiences or the world as our companions), believable language and dialogue generation systems (including some aspects of computational humour), and their evaluation.

I defended a Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) in October 2022: Machines pour Raconter.

I have backgrounds in Philosophy and Logics, and my PhD is in Computer Science from Paris 7. Previously, I have hold academic positions at Teesside University (IVE Lab - Senior Lecturer in Games Programming - UK), CNAM Paris (CEDRIC - postdoc - France), Kwansei Gakuin University (postdoc - JSPS fellow - Japan).

As a non-academic, I have been working in the game industry during the wild early years of online games development.

Join us for the CLEF JOKER task on computational humour!

I am currently supervising the PhD of: 

  • Maëlic Néau  : Real-Time And Efficient Scene Graph Generation for Real-World Applications.
  • Gwendal Paton:Atmosphere generation for supporting narrative tension in VR hybrid social simulations.(PEPR Ensemble)
  • Benjamin Callac: Deconstructing Mechanics for Affective and Argumentative persuasion in digital INfluence campaigns (DEMAIN). (AID et Région Bretagne).
  • Shanmugaraj Madasamy : Narratives for Multi-Robot Event Recognition (Naval Group / Flinders University)

 I am co-leading the DISCOBOT project with Mihai Andries and Christophe Lohr, which also involves Anna-Maria Velentza and Deborah Lebert: a social robotics project aiming to foster long term engagement with a Navel robot through personalised narrative dialogue.

Other roles:

  • Member of the Cécilia college of the AFIA (French Association for Artificial Intelligence), a strucuture supporting the organization of mediation or competitive events in AI.
  • Co-coordinator for the GT AI and Games of the GDR IA (Research Group on AI).
  • Special Needs referent for students at ENIB
  • Co-coordinator (2024-2025) of the PC3-MATCHING of the PEPR Ensemble

Here is an outdated web-page on the ENIB website.

I am working on a fractional basis (70%), there may be delays before I answer an email.
