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Your search query : computer science
41 results found

Distinguished lecture on "Scientific machine learning for electromagnetic field computations"

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Konstantinos Sarris, IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer, for a conference on “Scientific machine learning for electromagnetic field computations”   Location : IMT Atlantique, Brest campus Room : BR-B02-007A (Small amphit…

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Distinguished lecture on "Scientific machine learning for electromagnetic field computations"

The PIM team is pleased to welcome Prof. Konstantinos Sarris, IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer, for a conference on “Scientific machine learning for electromagnetic field computations” on December 10th at 2 pm   Location : IMT Atlantique, Brest campu…

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Seminaire Lab-STICC - Axe Drone- Kalinka Branco le 14/02 à 10h Amphi F (UBO)

Kalinka Branco, professeure brésilienne à l'université de Sao Paulo propose de présenter ses activités de recherche dans le cadre d'un séminaire Lab-STICC-Axe drone. Titre: Safe and Security: Challenges and Opportunities Date et Lieu: Mercredi 14 f…

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PhD Jean-Michel FAZZARI

Jean-Michel FAZZARI PhD title: Model for recognizing actions from interactions with tangible devices and mixed reality Online acess to the PhD thesis INUIT Themes 1 and 2 Thesis dates: 11/2018 – 09/2022 Supervision: R. Querrec – S. Kubicki Conte…

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HENAFF Patrick

Patrick Henaff received an M.S degree in Robotic from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) in 1989, and a Ph.D. in Robotic in 1994 at the Paris Robotic Laboratory, University of Pierre et Marie Curie. From 1997 to 2013, he was Associate …

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Current projects   Projects we coordinate: MAMUT Project - ANR (2023 - 2027) MAMUT projects (Machine learning And Matheuristics algorithms for Urban Transportation) aims to set up an open and open-source platform for solving recurring, dynamic vehi…

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PhD programs

Matthieu Delahaye (2023-) "Explainable and unbiased artificial intelligence: towards an understanding and representation of urban security phenomena" Supervisors: Philippe Lenca, Lina Fahed & Florent Castagnino Recently, the deployment of AI models,…

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Research Seminar

17/09/2021: Local Model-Agnostic Methods, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson [XAI reading group] 05/10/2021: Example-Based Explanations (Imen Ben-Amor, Univ. Avignon), and Stop Explaining Black Box Machine Learning Models for High Stakes Decisions and Use In…

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TOUATI Mohamed

I am a highly accomplished Senior Consultant in AI, Principal Data Scientist, and Doctoral Researcher, known for my exceptional expertise in the field of data science and artificial intelligence. With a strong academic background, including a master'…

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I am a PhD student in Cognitive Psychology, working in the COgnition, Models, and Machines for Engaging Digital Interactive Applications team (COMMEDIA) at the Laboratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information de la Communication et de la Conna…

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The laboratory is developing a very strong expertise in cybersecurity. It has a wide range of skills related to cybersecurity issues in the fields of software and hardware architectures, communications and networks, critical systems and risks related…

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I am currently a 3rd year PhD student in computerscience working on the fields of Virtual Reality (VR), social interactions and non-verbal communication. I have an interest in using these domains to create immersive and collaborative experiences. My…

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Past Projects

SAD/APRE 2020 (COLABNBOOK) Period : 2021-2023 The project is financed by the Brittany Region (Région Bretagne) via "Stratégie d’Attractivité Durable (SAD)" program, aimed at the integration of researchers (associate professors) newly arrived in Britt…

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Team seminars are given by ARCAD members and visiting collaborators (students and researchers), they are open to all pole and lab members. Usual format: 30 et 40 minutes presentation followed by 15 to 20 minutes for questions and discussion.     2024…

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Alexandre Reiffers is an assistant professor at IMT Atlantique (Brest). He was previously a post-doctoral fellow at Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems. He received the B.Sc. degree in mathematics (2010) from the university of Marseille, t…

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BELLO Christophe

Training and Research Support - Lab-STICC team CoSyDe IT Correspondent - MEE Department - IMT Atlantique (Brest site) Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Correspondent - facilitator of the participative workshops "La Fresque du Climat"…

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Associate professor at IMT Atlantique/ComputerScience Department, within the Lab-STICC/MOTEL (Brest). She got her PhD in ComputerScience and E-Education in 2016 from the University of Clermont-Ferrand, France (AUF Best thesis in Technology for Educ…

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Olivier Augereau is an associate professor in computerscience, doing research in a multidisciplinary team that focuses on interactions between humans and systems. He is director of CERV (European Center of Virtual Reality, a research platform includ…

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VATON Sandrine

Sandrine Vaton is a full professor at IMT Atlantique, in the ComputerScience department. She is responsible for the Maths & Net research team of the Lab-STICC laboratory (UMR CNRS 6285). Maths & Net is one of the two research teams of the CYR (Cyber…

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ROUVRAIS Siegfried

Siegfried Research & Development areas lie in modeling, processes and analysis: for large software systems and for Higher Education systems. He is constantly involved as leader or member in European and International level projects since 2000 (e.g. E…

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SEGARRA Maria Teresa

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I am associate professor in ComputerScience at IMT Atlantique (ex. Telecom Bretagne, a high graduate engineering school), DECIDE research team (Decision Aid and Knowledge Discovery) of Lab-STICC laboratory, UMR CNRS 6285, in Brest (France).  My res…

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NININ Jordan

Jordan Ninin received his master's degree from the engineering school ENSEEIHT in France in 2007 and his Ph.D degree in applied mathematics and computerscience in 2010 from the University of Toulouse. Since 2012, he is an associate professor at ENST…

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Kevin Martin is an associate professor at Université Bretagne-Sud, France, in the Lab-STICC. He has received a M.S. in electrical and computer engineering in 2004 and a PhD in computerscience in 2010 from the Université de Rennes, France. His resea…

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Current position: Professor ENSTA Bretagne Member of the Lab-STICC, MOCS pole, ArCAD thematic team.From January 2016 to July 2017, Head of the ICST pole of ENSTA BretagneSince August 2017 Assistant to the Scientific Director of ENSTA Bretagne, in cha…

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I am a member of the ComputerScience Departement of IMT Atlantique, as well as of the research team DECIDE, belonging to the CNRS laboratory Lab-STICC. My research topics are natural language processing, text mining and grapholinguistics. I'm teachi…

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DUVAL Thierry

Full professor of computerscience at IMT Atlantique Head of the ComputerScience department of IMT Atlantique Leader of the INUIT team of Lab-STICC Scientific leader of the ATOL lab Personnal website

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DE LOOR Pierre

Head of the INTERACTION pole from 2021. He was Co-leader of the research group  IHSEV (Human System Interaction and Virtual Environment) from 2012 to 2020 and also Head of the European Center for Virtual Reality (CERV) during 3 years. He wrote his do…

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Jalil Boukhobza is Professor at the ENSTA-Bretagne, a French State Graduate, Post-Graduate and Research Institute. He received the electrical engineering (with Hons.) degree from the Institut Nationale d’Electricite et d’electronique (I.N.E.L.E.C) B…

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BOSSER Anne-Gwenn

I am currently co-leading the COMMEDIA team with Nathalie Le Bigot. I am interested in Computational Narratives, their applications to games (sometimes but not always of the serious variety), and their role in persuasive phenomena. I have also an i…

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Romain Billot is a full professor in data science  at IMT Atlantique from 2016. Romain is leading research in data mining and optimisation, with various fields of application such as as smart mobility and connected health. At IMT, Romain is in charg…

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BEVACQUA Elisabetta

I am an associate professor on ComputerScience at the European Centre for Virtual Reality (CERV) in the National Engineering School of Brest (ENIB). INTERESTS:human-machine interaction, embodied conversational agents (ECAs), virtual character behav…

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Marc Sevaux is a Professor at the Université de Bretagne-Sud (Lorient, France). He has been appointed Deputy-head of the Doctoral School MathSTICC Bretagne Océane on October 2024. From 2008 to 2010 and from 2016 to 2020, he serves as deputy director …

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Former Members

Former PhD students: Dr Quentin Ducasse, 2020-2024, grant founded by Brittany Région and DGA, PhD thesis on “Sécurisation matérielle de la compilation à la volée des machines virtuelles langage”, Dr Semih Ince, 2021-2024, grant founded by Nokia, PhD…

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  Until  few years ago, embedded systems were often isolated from their environment. Due to new applications such as IoT, autonomous systems or more generally applications that require significant computing and storage resources (e.g. artificial inte…

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The goal of the interaction pole is to provide knowledge and technologies that contribute to the improvement of interactions between users and systems. It focuses mainly on the sensorimotor aspect by addressing questions relative to immersion, embodi…

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